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Currently, Hair loss is a very common problem in males and females. Almost 50% to 70 % of women and men respectively experience hair loss at some point in their lives. Many factors such as hormonal changes, genetics, medical conditions, and or stress can lead to hair loss. There are different treatments available to treat hair loss such as medication, interventional therapy, or surgery. Among these treatments, medications are primarily prescribed. Minoxidil and Finasteride are US FDA approved medications for hair loss. However, interventional medical treatments such as mesotherapy, dermaroller, low-level lasers, Platelet-rich plasma, or Regeneraactiva along with medication proved to be very effective in treating hair loss. PRP is one of these and time tested treatment for hair loss.


  • PRP treatment is 100% safe and natural treatment, as no chemical used.
  • PRP therapy is been used for years for skin repair or wound healing and also effectively used in various fields of the medical department such as oral surgery, plastic surgery, neurosurgery, sports medicine or orthopedics, and cosmetology.
  • PRP treatment for hair loss is a minimal invasive procedure.
  • PRP therapy is an out-patient treatment; need no hospitalization, the entire process of PRP treatment will take only about 45-60 minutes.
  • The treatment is fairly painless, for sensitive people it is preferred to do with local anesthesia or topical numbing cream application on the scalp.
  • The treatment is suitable for both genders and a wide range of non-scarring hair loss conditions such as androgenic alopecia, alopecia areata, and so on.
  • PRP treatment for hair loss preferably require 6-8 sittings, with a gap 4 wks for 5 to 6 months consecutively and later maintenance once in 3-4 month or so to achieve good results.
  • There are no side effects usually, but after treatment, the patient might experience swelling, redness, and mild pain which last for a few hours after the procedure.
  • PRP can be combined with hair transplant surgery, during surgery hair grafts are preserved in PRP to increase the survival rate of hair graft. It can be performed before or after the surgery to achieve good results.
  • There is no risk of any communicable diseases or allergic reactions, as its own blood used during the treatment.
  • PRP treatment to the scalp increases blood supply, helps to keep the hair follicles in a growth phase (anagen phase), and allows the hair to become thicker and longer. So it promotes new growth and also strengthens the existing hair follicles.
  • PRP is the fastest way to improve the quality of natural hair growth; and in the initial stage of hair loss can be thoroughly regained.
  • PRP treatment cannot be performed for certain chronic diseases such as skin cancer, blood cancer, porphyria, platelet disorder, and medication such as chemotherapy or blood-thinning medicine warfarin. Hence it is better to take the treatment under the guidance of experts.
  • Moreover taking a hot shower or washing your hair after a few hours of the treatment will promote the effects, as it has a vasodilator effect. Market available strong dye or chemical should be avoided for at least 24 to 48 hours of treatment.
  • PRP therapy in conjunction with other traditional or interventional treatments will have a synergistic effect to promote hair growth.

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